Sunday, July 15, 2012


One of the most defining characteristics of a human being is the food they eat. Nutrition plays a vital role in overall health. My generation is beginning to see a tragic change in the food stuffs that are made available. Previous generations had an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables from local farms, and fresh meats also from local farmers. In that time it was easy to know exactly where your food came from and what was in it. This is no longer the case for the most part. This is important information for me to pass along to you because in your lifetime you are going to have to strive diligently to acquire wholesome foods. Grow a garden yourself if it is at all possible.
While on the subject of foods, we have started you on rice cereal and are beginning to introduce you to other foods now. So far we have done peas, you seemingly love them. Green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pears are soon in the line up to try with you. Our basic strategy is that we try a vegetable for a period of about 3 days to ensure that it has no allergic reactions so that if there is one we will quickly be able to identify the cause, then after we have determined each of the vegetables are safe we will begin the same process with fruits. We decided vegetables would be first because fruits having a sweeter taste it may be hard to get you to go back to vegetables after having tasted the sweetness of fruits. Once all allergies have been ruled out we will feed you a variety of all foods.
The hard part is checking labels, even on baby food jars you will find random additives and what not so it is important to us to find only baby food containing only the vegetable or fruit in question and water. Gerber has been superior in this department thus far with the exclusion of their organic collection. Worthwhile of being mentioned a firm back up plan for when commercial food marketeers fail to provide wholesome foods is to simply use a blender to make baby foods ourselves out of fresh vegetables and fruits.

1 comment:

  1. Foods to which Jacob is not allergic
    Milk - Breast Milk, Similac(advanced/blue,sensitive/orange)
    Water- (bottled)
    Peas- Gerber
    Sweat Potatoes

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