Monday, July 15, 2019

My Wife

Hey kids, this is not a "how i met your mother episode". In consideration of the fact that I am now targeting a group that ranges from 6 to 24 years of age in my anecedotes to my children. I would ask all of you to turn your heads if you know whats good for you. {will remain}

to my beautiful God fearing wife, the mother of my children, oh blessed one:

Dear, this entry will change over time. I've decided that in this one single entry alone I will always address to you in the public eye, a small part of my intimate message to you. I have told you time and time again of all the many things I will do, the changes I will make, the things I will become; You, yourself have called bullshit upon all of these the false and unfalse alike. And so, well after a month of marriage that I have enjoyed greatly with you; I told you just two things. Two things, that I will never ever, on my life's own ending do. Firstly, I will never give you biblical reason to divorce me. It is recorded in the bible and said by the good Lord baby Jesus that the only reason for divorce is sexual infidelity. Before God, Children, and country I can honestly tell you this will not ever occur. The second thing I did tell you that I would never do is, "I will never divorce you".

There are many things written about love and almost all of them confuddle my mind. But baby I love you..... My mind heart spirit and flesh know this to be true.

Here are some things I have learned:
My other half is a unique individual and as such will rebel, resist, and revolt against my individuality at every chance given.

My other half will offer support to me as is absolutely required. Visitors