Saturday, August 4, 2012


It has apparently become plainly apparent to me that the process of teething is quite an ordeal for a young little man such as yourself. Times that call for a soothing patient approach from a kind loving hand. Teething rings which are commercially available can be placed in the freezer giving a cooling, ache relieving effect for a time. There also, is a relief which comes from using large pieces of beef jerky which we allow you to chew on, UNDER CLOSE SUPERVISION. All little bits of jerky which you manage to break off are promptly discarded.

We are told that a slight fever is never anything to be massively concerned with during this process of teething, and we have noted a slight rise in your typical temperature during this time. Where you generally rest around 98.7 degrees now you will on occasion reach temperatures of 99.1. There is not much else we can do to ease your trials on this one except for to be there, talk to you in soothing tone, and hold you to take your mind off the aches which are brought about by this process of your little baby teeth breaking through the surface of your gums.

Your mother and I can not as of yet see the first little nubs of teeth, however we keep a watchful eye out in anticipation that there will be visible signs of teeth soon. Your hardened gums along with all of the other accumulated signs of teething bring us to this assumption. It is a passage that every man and woman alike take on the great adventure towards adulthood and there is not much need in making it out to be any more than what it is. You will get through it son, all in your own good time, and we are here to guide and assist you through each day of it.

When there are signs of first teeth, and when your first encounter with the tooth fairy occur I am certain you will find mention of each of the events here in this chronicle. Just as there are also many other milestones along the way which will each be worthy of it's own mentioning.

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