Sunday, February 24, 2013

It is at Times Rather Scary

There may very well come a point in your life when you come to me and ask about the general experiences of being a parent. I would imagine this line of inquiry would occur around about the time you are on your 9 month wait for a little child of your own. In which case I am going to explain to you all of the marvelous features of being a parent. How parenting teaches you to love in ways that you had never before thought possible, how parenting makes you able to do things you would normally never be able to do and to be able to do it without the slightest hint of being bothered by it. I also, will likely interject a little bit of comic relief for you in a warning regarding your child's first few poops. I will tell you how being a father makes you feel so on top of the world that at times it seems as though nothing can get you down or slow you.
It is, at times, rather scary though. As I sit here watching you handle little bites of food and putting them to your mouth as you begin to chew them up with your gums and your two and a half teeth, I think to myself, wow this little guy sure is growing up quickly. It is scary to me to think that in just a flash of time you will be heading off to college, driving a car, starting your first job, having your first kid. The very idea of you not being right here where I can keep a steady watch on your activities is scary.
This encourages me to be certain that I equip you in every way with the ability to make good sound decisions in your life. The fact that I will not be able to hold your hand through every situation in your life makes me evaluate what I can do to insure that you are able to always create for yourself fantastic opportunity. It also, causes me to realize how important it is for me to teach you how to put all of your faith and trust into God the creator of the entire universe. It is the single most important thing in life to love the Lord with all of your heart, soul, body, and mind.
You are starting to stand and walk about without the assistance of holding on to something. This in itself is scary because you will quickly be running around, falling down, getting into things, etc. Oh, the great extra measures your mother and I will be in need of taking in order to insure you do not get into anything harmful to you.
Parenthood is by far the greatest experience that has ever occurred in my entire lifetime, and yet at moments as I see my little child getting bigger, accomplishing more, and becoming independent, it honestly scares me. Makes me proud! Creates within me a fantastic feeling of love.
Richmond DaddyRVADADRichmond Daddy

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