Thursday, August 1, 2013

August Update

August has officially arrived. And now it is time for me to keep you up to date on happenings and events within this month in regards to your greater development. To sum it up in one word "Motion". Yes, you are indeed finding a whole new found freedom wherein you are doing everything you can to walk/crawl/jump and otherwise move around in order to explore everything. You have discovered a new game which you quite enjoy playing with yourself. In this game you grab a ball, any ball seems to work fine for you, wiffle ball, mini basket ball, mini football, full size foot ball, mini dodge ball, tennis ball, the cat's ball essentially any ball that finds itself within range of your tiny fingers. After having acquired said ball you will toss it, at which point you will chase it down, pick it up, and toss it again. Exceedingly amusing to your mother and I in that you are technically playing fetch with yourself. At first we had a slight thought that this sight was a little bit pathetic in nature that you should not be resorting to playing fetch with yourself, however as we attempted on numerous occasions to join in this sport along with you we would find that it only tended to frustrate and irritate you. You truly seem to believe that this should remain as a solo sport, and well it gives you great amounts of exercise so to that end we are delighted.
You absolutely love animals at this point. You will chase down cats and dogs alike to give them a simple pat and when they attempt to lick your face you smile begins to glow. This week we took you to the Berkeley county fair just outside Martinsburg West Virginia where you were able to see all sorts of animals including cows, sheep, ducks, goats, chickens, rabbits, and pigs. This adventure was quite the delight to you although our first run through you slept the entire time, however after you had indulged yourself with a hearty nap we returned to the fairgrounds at which time you received a proper introduction to all of the various livestock.
This summer you have found a special fondness for various new foods such as chunks of watermelon, cantaloupe, pulled pork, and most especially the cheesy covered butterfly potatoes from the fairgrounds.
We just renewed the domain for the low price of $8.11 from our sponsor website Richmond Daddy and the renewal is good for a year. Your mother and I concur that this is a fantastic deal considering that entry to this blog with this domain is easily found at as opposed to just using the link to my blog account. It also includes several additional features such as email accounts that we can all utilize, the ability to include a subdomain for your younger brothers name when he arrives, and several other great things.
I also finalized my schedule for the upcoming semester in college and I am looking at being able to graduate this coming spring. Having children and being in skool presents several financial obstacles nonetheless we continue to keep moving forward to a brighter future. At some point it will all pay off for the greater good and your mother and I will most likely begin registering the domain in 10 year stents to secure ownership of it for our family for several decades to come.

And on the subject of the domain It is my great pleasure to announce that as of August 21st I discovered that this domain has achieved an Alexa rating making it actually quite valuable. For that fact especially I will be including a rating and value widget within this posting just below.

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