Saturday, January 9, 2016

Social Media

I thought the name of this post should almost be "Why I Love Facebook" however, because of the possibility that some day in the unforeseeable future "Facebook" may not exist I do indeed know that the concept of Social Media should stand at least a significant length of time. Most powerfully meaningless first sentence ever. Take that Steven Colbert. Now to the true purpose of this paper. Also known as a thesis statement. Facebook has allowed us to conceive a world where people have no excuses for "losing contact" with one another; Sure phone numbers and addresses can change but there is a way via the internet now to truly remain connect as a part of someone's life.

Recently, I have been enlightened of this while scrolling through posts mindlessly in a full out Facebook zombie mode. I noticed one post that was a little funny, witty sure; Yet I concluded that I disagreed with the statement it made in whole. I took note of the poster. Alas, it was posted by someone I felt would easily conclude the way that I did in whole. It was instantly clear this post was intended the clever way directed in a  slightly more derogatory fashion at some one individual. I decided to message this person after all these long years of no daily contact or interaction with them. Moments later I was reintroduced to a vision of a former self that I have perhaps been allowing to become exposed less in life as I age. I needed reminded of this. More importantly I craved a little conversation with them without realizing it at this point.

I am a type of person that types endlessly for hours to the point of wearing the paint marking the keys on the keyboard off so that if you do not know the placing of the letters you are hopeless on my keyboard. Recently, I have not been typing so much.... Thank you for making me type again. What a true best friend you really always have been to me. Someone that knows me better  right now than any of the people I spend every day with, including both friends and family. Someone that reads what I write and can tell my facial expression as I typed it. Yes, I suppose you have studied my face as I typed a time or two.

You see, the point really, is that sometimes along the course of life we make really great super fantastic friends that in some ways sort of complete us, or at least make us better. Sometimes these people get distracted with various aspects of life. And yet these old friends may never be forgotten. Get on Facebook once in a while and message the people you haven't heard from in a while.

To my sons, keep these people close to you. Sucks to find out your best friend is the one you stopped spending time with. Never be sparse with telling someone you love them. You won't know when your last opportunity to do so will be.

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